Ready to be your own boss?

Three successful franchises so far — be the fourth!

Download Our FREE Guide to Getting Started

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The Mag-nificent team goes above and beyond their duties as franchisors. In addition to helping with sales and lead generation, they are always available to help with any issues that may arise. Their proprietary mobile app really helps us stand apart from the competition. Great way to be in a fun industry with great margins.

- Rachel, Dallas, TX

Why Own a Mag-Nificent Business?


Be your own boss and capitalize on servicing a growing industry with proven high-margin potential.


Achieve a flexible lifestyle. Our business model allows you to have a mobile business that doesn't demand full-time employees.


The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the event industry will grow by 44% from 2010 to 2020.

A Mag-Nificent Franchise is Super Affordable!

What you need to know

Legal Notice
This website and its content is not an offer to sell franchises. It is presented for information purposes only. Offerings for Franchise sales are only made by a Franchise Disclosure Document, as required by the United States Federal Trade Commission. Several states require that we register our FDD or qualify for an exemption, and we will not offer or sell franchises in those states until registration or we are exempt. Registration or exemption does not constitute approval, recommendation or endorsement of the information in the FDD or our website by any state or the FTC.”

Who We've Worked With

Want your own franchise?

Call us at (866) 484-2859
or email us at

If you have any questions about being a franchise owner, please don't hesitate to reach out.
 We'll answer any questions you might have.

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